Coordinator - France François DENORD CNRS / CESSP François Denord is a senior researcher at CNRS. He works on neo-liberalism, the dynamics of The French national power structure, and the prosopography of its key-actors. Personal Website Publications Denord, F., Palme, M. & Réau, B. (2020). Researching elites and power: Theory, methods, analyses (p. 276). Springer Nature. Denord, F., Lagneau-Ymonet, P., & Thine, S. (2018). Primus Inter Pares? The French Field of Power and its Power Elite, Socio-Economic Review, 16 (2), 277–306 Caveng, R., Denord, F., Lagneau-Ymonet, P., &, Thine, S., (2013). Entreprendre et dominer. Le cas des consultants. Sociétés contemporaines, 89, 73-99 Denord, François, Lagneau-Ymonet, Paul, Thine, Sylvain. (2024). “World Elite Database (WED) Methodological Report: Construction of the Economic Elite Population for France”, Version 2024.1
Denord, F., Palme, M. & Réau, B. (2020). Researching elites and power: Theory, methods, analyses (p. 276). Springer Nature.
Denord, F., Lagneau-Ymonet, P., & Thine, S. (2018). Primus Inter Pares? The French Field of Power and its Power Elite, Socio-Economic Review, 16 (2), 277–306
Caveng, R., Denord, F., Lagneau-Ymonet, P., &, Thine, S., (2013). Entreprendre et dominer. Le cas des consultants. Sociétés contemporaines, 89, 73-99
Denord, François, Lagneau-Ymonet, Paul, Thine, Sylvain. (2024). “World Elite Database (WED) Methodological Report: Construction of the Economic Elite Population for France”, Version 2024.1